Your experience reminded me of something that happened with my mother when I was a teenager.
I really needed therapy as a teenager, and my parent's insurance paid for it.
It was a micricle I could get therapy at all, my parents didn't really understand it, but I pulled a lot of strings and made it happen at age 16.
My mom would pick me up from therapy every week and say, very condescendingly, "How did therapy go, , are you still feeling anxious? Are you making and progress and feeling less anxious? You know this costs actual money right? How many more of these sessions are you going to need?"
When I started dating, my mother was very concerned about my boyfriend, (I had already talked to my therapist about him). She called my therapist and pretty intensely pushed onto her that my boyfriend was bad for me and I shouldn't date him. At first my therapist stayed neutral and stayed very professional. After a while though my mom got to her and convinced her my boyfriend was a bad influence on me (he wasn't). I ended up quitting that therapist after that. It was too bad, She was a good therapist and she helped me for about 2 years before my Mom got to her. Mom constantly mocked the fact I went to therapy. Years later my current therapist explained to me that it was her own insecurity that had this behavior. That her fear that I was saying bad things about her in therapy, and wanting to control me for her own anxiety issues was behind her behavior. My mom has a lot of narcaisstic traits, but I don't call her that because I don't feel I can diagnose her.
One of my close friends was also married to a narcissist who attempted to use therapy to control her. He told her she had to go to therapy for her issues. When she did, she realized her husband was controlling, manipulative, and un-supportive and she divorced him. He would take her to couple's therapy and make a big show of acting really smart and insightful to attempt to manipulate the marriage counselor to argue he needed to have his way.
As you said, some people just can't do therapy because on some level they don't understand what it is.