You know I really hate these arguments that because a population is so small, they don’t exist. They do exist. True, I don’t think the minority should control the majority, but they should be considered and acknowledged. Saying they don’t exist, is oppression and wrong. The fact exceptions do exist is interesting useful for understanding the world. Yes, some people are born with more fingers and toes, this happens. But if the medical community just ignored it, it would lead to an incomplete understanding of science.
Recently I reread the lottery by Shirley Jackson. One thought I had was maybe the towns folk accepted the lottery because less than .33 percent of people died in the ritual.
In Europe during WW2, only a very small percentage of the population was Jewish. Why worry about genocide if it was only a small percentage of the population? I also have heard that it’s only a small percentage of women whose lives are threatened by pregnancy. So abortion should be illegal because only a few women will die, it’s just a small percentage.
I think many trans lives and intersex lives will be saved if we don’t try to erase them. It’s worth it. Let’s just be a little more inclusive.
I wrote this as a left handed, redheaded woman with grey eyes. I am rare, but that doesn’t mean I don’t exist.