Yes. There needs to be a MeToo that focuses on men.
Sexual assault and harassment of men is overlooked, ignored, and minimized. I have seen this many times.
Ignoring and minimizing sexual assault of men comes from misogyny. It assumed that men are incapable of being victims due to toxic masculinity, that rape of women happens because women are less than men. Rape is about power, not attraction. It also has the idea that men are entitled to rape for any reason, including gay men. I have seen boys sexually harassed and it being ignored under the excuse of the male victims weight and size. Or if the harasser was a woman, the table was flipped and it was assumed he was harassing her even though the opposite was in plain sight true.
As a feminist, I am against rape, assault, and harassment period. If we teach men it's wrong to rape women, but pretend men don't don't get rapped, we won't get anywhere.