Well, I don’t think it’s right that JKR is getting death threats. That is not okay. I personally believe very strongly in trans rights and I don’t believe in harming anyone. None of the trans people I know or their allies support violence, threats, or harming others. I don’t know who these people are threatening JKR, but please don’t judge all of us by their behavior. Many groups have their extremists, but they don’t speak for all of us. Doing so is like judging Muslims by the actions of Ossama Bid Landin or terrorists. Or judging Christians by the actions of Jim Jones. I’m fully in support of trans rights, but I surely am not making a death threat nor is anyone I know.
I know it’s already been said, but this article was started by referring to trans activists as Nazis, then it’s mentioned we need to stop calling each other names. That does seem like a double standard there.
I do feel that calling trans activists Nazis is quite insensitive and offensive. Especially when you consider that Hitler and Nazi German targeted trans people. Trans gender people were sent to death camps to die, specifically because they were trans gender, along with other LBGTQ people.
Trans people were sent to death camps by the Nazis, and now you are calling people who stand up for them Nazis? If anything, the Nazis beliefs on trans people are more aligned transphobia ideas and laws against transphobia.
LBGTQ people have suffered murder and generational trauma from the holocaust, please don’t use our trauma and victimization against us. Don’t call us Nazis, they were the biggest trans phobes here. It’s extremely offensive.