With a name like Vena, that’s pretty simple. There’s no real excuse here to not learn that name. It’s a basic disrespect to insist on calling someone the wrong name. I think the real problem is people don’t always agree with another persons pronouns. If you disagree that another person should be called by their appropriate pronouns, that’s weird. It’s like calling them the wrong name. As a woman, I hate being called sir, or he, or him, and I hate being called names other than my own. As a white cis woman, this doesn’t happen to me much, and that’s privilege. As a result of not experiencing this all the time, privileged people like me often forget how bad this feels and due to a lack of empathy, minimize others experience. I think it’s ways less of a burden to call someone by their proper name and pronouns than to have go around being misnamed or misgendered. Sure we all make mistakes, but if you just say excuse me, and use the correct pronoun/name everyone moves on. However insisting a person is actually a different set of pronouns is really just expecting that person to be a different identity. That’s imposing a new identity onto someone else. I would hate for someone to call me he him, and keep doing that even when I explain I am a woman, and then they claim I’m “shoving my identity down their throats and imposing on them.”