Trevor I'm really sorry to tell you this, but people have sex. It's human nature. My friend took precautions. Perhaps then solution is no men should ever have sex with a woman, except for the purpose of procreation. That would definitely solve the problem. However whenever women stop having sex, men seem to get very angry. The growing incel culture is very much a problem here in this country because men want to have sex and or not having enough. Or do you suppose only men should have sex and no women should have sex with them? Do you expect the entire human race to obstain from sex unless they are trying to procreate? I'm sorry, but that is just not realistic. And expecting a woman to lose her entire life because she is doing something men do everyday, with no consequences for men who do it, is just controlling. Sorry Trevor, the whole world will not stop having sex because you think they should.
I recommend reading the following article.
While I recognize the author goes a little to one way, the fact is society accepts and respects men having sex, but punishes women for having the same thing. If all the men in the world stoped having sex with women, there would be no need for abortions.