This was a funny, funny article. Well written. I have to say as a woman, who routinely has a plastic speculum pushed up her vagina and an scraping of my cervix, I can’t give you much sympathy.
But let’s here it for those awkward medical moments.
When I was 11, I had surgery on my arm.
When I woke up I was told, as luck would have it, I got my period in the middle of the 2 hour operation right there on the table, and they had to stop and pad me up because I was bleeding on the table.
After that, while recovering after waking up, suddenly I got really nauseous. My female nurse who I was very comfortable with was no where to be found. My doctors who I was also comfortable with were also no where around.
I was at the age where I was just starting to notice boys and feel attraction to them.
As luck has it, they called up the most attractive male doctor in the entire hospital (never saw him before or after this incident) I immediately crushed on him. He explained he had my nausea medication, but it needed to inserted anally. Oh gawd it was the most awkward thing possible.
I rolled over while the cutest guy in the whole hospital stuck his finger up my butt, age 11. He then left and I never saw him again. These medical things are embarrassing.
I’m currently pregnant, and have read most likely I will literally shit the table while giving birth, can’t wait. At least the obgyn will hopefully be a woman.
Great story and great read you have here. Really well written. Let’s talk about these awkward medical things, they happen.