This “rule of woke” as you say alone contradicts your argument.
The pedophile groups you speak of wanted to legalize sex with children. This is child abuse. That is molestation. That harms someone.
The pedophiles cause harm to children, so no, they are not woke.
Comparing queer and trans people, who don’t harm anyone, to pedophiles who want to abuse children, is a slippery slope fallacy. I personally have found queer people to value consent and be crystal clear on consent more than straight people. You can’t get consent from a child. I could just as well argue that heterosexual people and their rape culture steeped in misogyny is ruining our values and soon it will lead to pedophila due to the lack on consent in straight culture. Don’t believe me, look at how often rape is done heterosexually as many women are rapped by men. How often do you see lesbians or gay men calling rape from the same gender? Not as much as women being straight men. That to me is moral degradation, perhaps we should not accept straight people and their perverted culture of rape and control, eventually it will lead to pedophilla and beastality. Look at the Catholic Church, that’s an institution that highly pushes heterosexuality and they ended up with thousands of case of pedophile priests molesting children. I rest my case.