This is the article I’ve been wanting to read for years. I’ve long noticed a toxic double standard with drugs and laws.
Years ago I started researching the history of illegal drugs, and learned that virtually every illegal drug became that way due to racism.
Cocaine was all fine and good, until black pepper started taking it. Marijuana was great until it people realized Mexicans used it, etc.
When I was a child I remember my dad telling me that there were certain hallucinogens that indigenous people were only allowed to take because it was a part of their culture and their religion. He explained the drugs belonged to them and their society.
Then about ten years ago I start hearing about people and their spiritual use of such drugs. That seems great, but wait, I thought that was only for certain indigenous groups? Isn’t that illegal? Now it seems big, like a huge tourism thing. I read another article about how such drugs will eventually be owned by corporations and done in cold, sterile environments. This feels like drug abuse to me, and a sick cultural appropriation.
A friend of mine once suggested she and I go on a trip and do the drug you mentioned. I asked her why. Somehow I didn’t see any reason, I’m not a fan of hallucinating. Her answer
“Because it’s suppose to be the best! Why shouldn’t we have the best things in our lives? Don’t you think we’re good enough to have the best in life?”
Oddly this was a friend who always lectured me about white privilege and entitlement. 🙄