1 min readJul 19, 2024


This is all fascinating. Personally I live a sugar free, low carb, keto lifestyle. I average 8-10 servings of low carb veggies a day. I have lived this lifestyle for about 8 years, with about 8 hours of exercise weekly. However, I am 225 lbs and have a BMI of 37.5.
This is due to my lipedema. I have lipedema, which causes large amounts of fat to accumulate on my body, that is resistant to diet and exercise. I wish so badly I could take this fat suit off and have my body back. Doctors often give stupid advice, like don’t drink soda and try some gentle walking. Like wtf? I have drank soda since 2005, I don’t consume sugar! Especially not in drink form! And yesterday I hiked 3 miles uphill and did 4 handstands in my HIT routine. But being fat, no one believes me. I did at one point try fasting, but that made my lipedema worse, so low carb is what so far has worked best for me, but I’m still very fat.
One good point, my blood pressure, insulin levels, blood sugar, etc are all in the “optimal” range on my blood work. Doctors often look at me and suggest an immediate diabetes test, only to find out I’m as far away from being diabetic as possible. But I’m so tired of having to wear this fat suit. I’ve literally done everything in my power to lose the fat, but the lipedema is very stubborn.




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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