This is a good point here.
Yes, I am an anti-racist.
And this still doesn’t change that proportionally more black and brown people are killed by the police than by white people. There are more white people than black people in the us, so yes more White people will die at the hands of the police.
True, racism is definitely involved here. A black man is more likely to die at the hands of the police than a white one, or be incarcerated for longer over the same crime.
But maybe the focus should also be on stripping the police of violence as well as racism. Maybe it’s not cool that the police murder people and get away from it. Maybe there should be demilitarization of the police, poor life’s matter, and Black/brown Lives Matter. Maybe this is a complex problem and to really make headway we need to attack it from multiple angles. I don’t think advocating for poor people, to not get murdered will take away from Black Lives Matter.
If two men are driving the same nice car in the same nice neighborhood, both of them successful, one black one white, the black one will most likely get pulled over, harassed, and attacked. But systemic racism will keep stop African Americans from getting to that nicer neighborhood, and then if the cops then fear the poor neighborhood, then the property discrimination is aiding the racism. They interweave, and if we address racism without poverty discrimination, then the racism will just find another place to hide in. This happens with racism all the time. The racism, it just takes on another name. Kind of like how Jim Crow gets off the books, but schools are more segregated than ever. Poverty discrimination needs to be addressed as parting anti-racism.