This article lays out exactly what I’ve been thinking. The witch hunt for trans women has moved to policing women’s bodies for being pretty enough. Pretty much pretty means small, not taking up space, dainty, cute, little, etc. then they claim they mean fit and athletic when it’s anything but. Now anyone dating to take up space and not be pretty enough will be labeled as trans. And it’s guaranteed to come with a hefty side of racism. Black women are often portrayed as large, strong, and scary. I read an article here on medium once by a black woman who wrote that just being soft and girly was an act of defiance for a black woman.
We have here a strong black woman who is good at a sport, and we call her a man. BS. You can bet this ideal of the daintly, slight white girl is considered the ideal and people defeminize anyone but her. This is where the terfs who claim they are feminists have taken us. They can all kiss my big fat womanly but as I wave my pink white and blue flag.