There is a whole lot about womens sexuality that clearly the two men in the article done know about.
I am a woman, who has been on multiple lesbian relationships, as well as one heterosexual relationship with a man.
Yes, female sexual dysfunction exists. I’ve had it, my girlfriends have had it, and other things. There are many different types of it and it happens for a lot of different reasons.
Given that this couple have been together for 33 years, it’s possible this woman is experiencing menopause. Menopause often literally dries up the vagina to the point where sex is very, very painful.
When I was 22, years of Depo privera lead to my vagina drying up much like a menopausal woman would, and I even received the same treatments. No amount of lube made me able to have sex, and I tried everything. I remember telling my friends it felt like I had the female counterpoint to ED because I badly wanted to have sex, but my body wouldn’t cooperate and any attempt to have sex were horribly painful, like someone was cutting me. And each time, I would literally bleed from the abrasive contact. What was I gonna do? Lay there and wince in pain and bleed and get hurt? No. So yes, female ED is real, and it’s way more complex.
Many women I have been with have had ED if they just don’t have an emotional connection with their partner. If their partner had a fight with them earlier, or if they even recently haven’t bonded enough lately. For many women sexual connection happens as a result of close emotional connection, and if that ball gets dropped, at any time, they can’t perform. Suddenly the thought of being with their partner is repulsive. All that can change if they re-bond with them. Ironically, In this case, the worst thing a man can do is complain or demand sexual from them. Then the person they are trying really hard to reconnect with is demanding something intimate and personal and not listening to them.
Other reasons women have ED is not feeling beautiful enough or comfortable in their bodies. I guess the counter point for a man would be, imagine trying to get hard while picturing a bunch of attractive women laughing at your penis and body? Imagine these women are telling you how insufficient your body is, and then expecting you to get ab erection at this exact moment. That would be hard.
There are other reasons why women have sexual dysfunction, and it’s impossible to see what this exact situation is. But please know we women do have sexual dysfunction, and putting pressure on us only makes it worse because we need to relax in order to get in the mood. Having a partner pressure us, only worsens everything.
I suggest your friend, start of by giving his wife some space and acceptance. What is happening to her body is not her fault, and it’s not about him. She’s not doing this to spite him or hurt him, she’s got a complex and probably changing body she’s trying to work with here. She may be just as frustrated as he is. Don’t take it personally. God gave us two hands that reach for a reason. Them maybe he could try bonding with her, doing something that makes them feel close and he accepts her for who she is what she is going through. She’s probably just as frustrated and confused in all of this, and him thinking/acting like her involuntary bodily functions are somehow punishment to him, to the point where he is threatening divorce, is quite cruel and ignorant. She may wanna have sex even more than he does! She’s probably even more of a victim here than he is, it’s her body she’s trying to deal with, and she also doesn’t get to have sex!