Transphobia: an aversion or hostility to, disdain for, or fear of transgender people.
Trans- trans people
phobia- fear of.
Trans phobia- fear of transpeople. That's what the root of the words mean,
I'm not pointing fingers, I'm stating facts. JKR is afraid of trans people. If you are offended by the idea of saying JKW is afraid of trans peopled thus transphobic, then I'm sorry, that's your own personal bias against a phrase. I'm not pointing fingers, I'm simply calling something what it is. If you or JKR are offended by the label of transphobia, then I'm sorry you take such issue with the word transphobia. You act like I'm being hateful for showing evidence, that JKR is afraid of trans people. She is. It's okay. Just admit that and stop throwing in your red herrings(bringing up trans rights and other things that aren't what I'm claiming, talking about some abstract finger pointing, which I'm not doing), your ad homenins (attacking me and my character, calling me naive, unable to admit I'm wrong, etc.), and other logical fallacies to distract from the issue.