Thank you for pointing out this double standard and mythology in this particular field.
I often hear all about how women are not in tech and how that's our fault, but there are often double standards out there.
I was a steam major in college, never really got into coding, though I did learn enough. However I have noticed many times I interviews and behavior what's expected of men is very different than women. Women who act the least bit the way men are expected to act are deemed absolute awful people. I think the most obvious example is Trump and Hilary Clinton. I have no idea why everyone hates Hilary so much, but generally I just hear about how mean she is. The best I've heard is "They're both equal bad characters" which is BS. Trump admits to sexual assault, not paying taxes, election fraud and what not, while Hilary has some problems with her email, and raises money the traditional way politicians do?
To ever be heard I've had to bend over backwards being little miss sweet heart, being the least bit not sweet is liable to get me labeled a B.