Sure! I guess the big lesson from my marriage, which I am still grappling with, is, it’s better to have loved and then loss than have nothing at all.
My marriage was a wonderful thing that I don’t regret at all. I knew the risks when I met my exhusband, I went for it anyway. I lost him in a very painful way, but it was worth it. I had nearly 20 years of happiness. My exhusband had/has a terrible disease that slowly destroyed him. I did my best to be there for him, and I was for a long time. We had nearly 20 years together. Sadly however, the effects of his chronic disease became too much for him. He decided to quit his job, cash out his retirement, and spend his life buying as many drugs as he could to ease his pain. I did my best to get him actual real help, but he made it clear this was his choices and he wasn’t going to do anything else. I had to respect the choices he made for himself, I have no control over him, but I wanted something else for my life, he expected me to follow him down this path and finance him getting more drugs. He got us evicted from our apartment and was on track to make us homeless. Drugs took precedent over everything with him at the end, came before jobs and having a home. I couldn’t-that’s not the life I want.
He is with his family now, he is attempting to OD and I’m sure one day he will. I hope I will be invited to his funeral. It’s very painful he made this decision and I loathe him this way, I did all that I could to save my marriage. However he chose this path, the effects of his chronic disease became too much for him and this is his choice. So I had to move on.