So, I know this article is aimed at men, not me, but I just have to add my own two cents here and say I respectfully, personally disagree.
As a woman who engages in lesbian relationships in sex with trans women, I have to say I have seen some beautiful post opp vaginas. Now everybody is different, and I know that the surgeon only has what’s there to work with, so I’m sure there is some variability here, but if you think about it, these vagina are often crafted knowing the modern esthetics of vaginas. There are cis women who have surgeries to reduce labia size and all sorts of things around their vaginas and vulvas. Surgeons are aware of these preferences, and I’ve literally seen post opp vaginas that I thought were crafted specifically to be more beautiful than the randomness of nature. Not to get to graphic, but also if you like things nice and tight, well post opp needs regular stretching so that should tell you about the feeling. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not into shaming women or judging them for their vaginas, god created or man created, but I do have to disagree that post opp vaginas will always be seen as less than cis vaginas. I’ve seen some perfectly crafted post opp vaginas that I found delicious as hell, designer stuff clearly crafted with beauty and elegance in mind. I mean everyone is different, but I’ll just enjoy each lovely lady flower for what they are. My experience is trans flowers are not lower on this hierarchy than cis ones.