So, I am a cis female, I have been sexually assaulted, by a man in a public place. I am also divorced, and towards the end of my marriage my ex husband became abusive, so I am a survivor of an abusive marriage. I also routinely share public restrooms and locker rooms with trans women and have never had a problem with trans women acting creepy.
Let me clear, I am not comfortable with men in my women only spaces, as a survivor of sexual assault, as a woman, and as a feminist. I do not want men in these sacred places strutting their annoying male privilege everywhere. Absolutely not.
I can see how many women might be concerned about letting trans women into such spaces, however, as a cis woman who does so regularly, I can tell you from experience, trans women behave like women in these spaces. They don’t strut around male privilege or acting all creepy and shit. Despite some of them having penises, I have literally never seen one out there.
If I didn’t regularly share bathrooms with trans women I might be afraid too, but they don’t act like creepy males there, they act like women (probably because they are women).
I knew a trans woman whom to avoid all this just used the mens room. You know what happened? A man attempted to rape her. I mean she was a woman using the mens room, what did we think would happen? So what is she supposed to do and the thousands of women like her? Just get raped in the bathroom?
Phoebe have you ever encountered a trans woman in a bathroom or locker room? Have they ever acted like men on there towards you?
Given the fact that every year trans people are murdered for being trans in hate crimes, I think they have more reason to fear us then us them.