Dec 4, 2021

So glad you wrote this. Ignoring, ridiculing, and minimizing men getting rapped is truly misogynistic. It has this assumption that rape only happens if a person is emotionally weak (hence female). Men get rapped, by women and other men. Rape is not okay. Period. It’s traumatic, evil, and life destroying no matter who you are. No one wants to be raped, no one is okay after being raped. Men being told that they weren’t rapped, they’re “lucky” is gaslighting. No, it’s not okay for women to rape, just because they are women, or hot women to boot. I’m tired of these double standard. Men are human beings and need to be treated as such.


Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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