So far, I have dated two trans women. One was 6 foot tall, and another 6 foot 3 inches. I LOVE TALL WOMEN! There is no better feeling than being held by a beautiful, lovely tall woman who raps her long, elegant arms around you, pulls you close to her and buries her face in your hair, neck and head. Seriously a peak life experience. I know a lot of people give grief to tall women, and to be fair, I LOVE SHORT WOMEN just as much. I love holding and cuddling them and their cute bodies. But come on! Seriously look at the benefits of a woman having a long, elegant, tall body. What kind of weird insecurity/delusional gender norms would make someone walk away from that? But okay, let's let people have their preferences.
I am one of this 12.5% who has no problem dating trans people, and let me just say, the rest of the world and it's bias against trans people, is self-harming. I found after I first met a trans woman I was attracted to, that all the things society tells me I should be attracted to, and turned off by, having nothing to do with me, or my actual preferences and instead were about maintaining some sort of cultural ideas that never really meshed with me.
I know, people have their preferences, and they don't ever need to explain them to anyone, and they have a right to them. But 87.5% of people rejecting a person because they are trans is clearly showing more than an individual's preference are at play here, rather society telling us what our preferences should be, and some of that percent is people buying in.
Let's face it though, as someone who loves all types a woman, cis, trans, non-binary, ect, It lands in my favor. Cis people and their biases against trans women are cutting out a whole sector of wonderful potential dating partners and mates. It's like a miner trying to strike gold, who throws away all the platinum that's in his way wondering, if he will ever strike it rich.
Overall, a really good article I have to say. As a teacher, I struggle with trying to entertain my class, and sometimes I wonder if my jokes have their own blinders on. It's such a hard line to walk, of knowing what will accidentally hurt one of your students, and we all make mistakes. Still, I find that joke quite awful.