So as a queer, polyamorous, kinky woman in a relationship with a trans lesbian, I agree with many of your points.
I see nothing wrong with being kinky, just be safe, sane and consensual.
I also see nothing wrong being poly. I am quite happy being poly. There are a lot of people who do poly in ways I don’t want, but there are many who are poly in ways I feel safe. I am not a fan of opp, which some men are, or being a unicorn. Others may go that route, but it’s not for me.
When I was 18 years old I was in a relationship with a man 16 years older, I do see how it can be problematic and concerns that the older guy is taking advantage-I agree caution should be used, but for me it was a positive relationship and I don’t think it should be outlawed.
My girlfriend is trans. I have been with other trans women. Most trans women who are attracted to men are terrified of being attacked or murdered. I know many who disclose they are trans so quick it’s weird. Some have even been harassed or assaulted even when they didn’t show interest in the man. Scenarios where a man was checking her out, and realized she was trans, then full on became violent. She didn’t even know he was into her.
I’m not one to shame preferences, but if a man really does not want to be with a biological male, I think the minute he shows interest in a woman, he should mention he only dates females. If he is so concerned, I think the responsibility should land in him to communicate that he is not trans compatible, just like he should disclose if he has aids, is married, unable to wear a condom, etc. it’s a little weird seeing every trans woman having to disclose she is trans the minute she meets someone for fear that person may be attracted to her and will get angry.
I’m totally fine on polygamy, as long as it’s fine by consenting adults. But I often hear stories of these communities presuming young children to get married before they are 18. So if it’s not consenting adults, I disagree. Polygamy causes a high demand for women, if every guys gets 2 or more wives, then eventually there’s a need for more women than men, so they look to the under 18 crowd. But in theory if no one’s is forced - and it’s strictly consensual, then to each their own.
Personally I also agree prostitution should be legal, as long as it’s done safely, legally and with consent. I think Vegas is doing okay there. However, in my community, there have been reports of human trafficking of literal children, boys and girls, as young as 12, kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery. It happens even in the us. I wonder what the solution to this horrifying crime should be. Maybe if prostitution was legal, there could be more regulations and safeguards to make sure it is again safe and consensual.
Ultimately, if it doesn’t hurt anyone, then why make it illegal?
About the marijuana and other drugs, if you look into the history of drug laws of this country, almost all of them were rooted in racism. Marijuana was fine, until people started associating it with Mexicans. Cocaine was considered a wonder drug! Until black peoples started taking it.