So are you saying trans women don’t have anything in common with other women, other than the word woman? Are you saying trans woman are not a type of women and instead their own separate creatures? I mean is it then ciswoman and transwoman? Or simply woman and transwoman?
I find that I have a lot in common with trans women, mostly we both live, think, exist, and are actual women. I would say they have more in common with women, then just the word woman.
Mostly, actually being women, instead of just the word woman. Try with me here, a little thought experience. Put the shoe on the other foot. Let’s suppose someone said you are a cisman, and have nothing in common with other men, except the word man in your title. Let’s suppose there exists men, and you, a cisman. You are a different species than an actual man, and all you have in common with men is the word man it’s self. Would that feel appropriate? I know many people object to being called cis, but some people are trans, some people are not. What do we call those who are aren’t? Just men and women? That’s fine, then let’s just call trans women, women, and not differentiate them as separate creatures. Or if we insist on it, have a name for non-trans people. There is nothing novel or new about trans people, they have existed in society as long as their have been people. They are not a new type of human, they’re just being seen more and fought for more. So there’s no need to differentiate them from the norm and identify them as a new creature different than their previous gender.