See, this why we need to listen to trans people. When cis women talk about these things, many men complain it’s not that bad, it can’t be that bad. Actually, it is. A good friend of mine transitioned from female to a gay man. He has long told me he got way more respect walking down the street as an obvious gay man, than he ever did when people thought he was a woman. Few are in a position to say they have sense the way our world treats both genders.
Be loud. People need to hear this. Time after time I’ve hear cis men claim it’s not that bad and they would love the appreciation women get and the harassment isn’t that bad, or we’re asking for it, or it’s really just compliments. It’s not, it sucks.
I recommend taking women’s self defense classes. Now when I’m walking alone at night at someone starts creeping me out, I start identifying what part of their body I can attack the easiest if they try something based on their posture. Somehow that gives me more confidence and leaks an aura of don’t fuck with me. Being trans, this may be especially important for you. You’re a target for not only men, but trans phobes.