People have a right to transition and detransition as many times as they chose without their choices being held against the entire trans community. I know many wonderful people who wouldn’t be alive today if that hadn’t be allowed to transition.
I will always have empathy for others who are being pushed down, no matter how far I am raised up. Yes, being LGB has become way more accepted, that doesn’t mean I will forget what it feels like when just being myself is considered a crime. That’s what’s happening to the T these days. I know many trans people, good people who make the world a better place. I am a survivor of rape, and I share bathrooms with trans women regularly. My world has improved greatly by my culture accepting trans people, I am on board with supporting trans people. You may not be, and that is your choice. We can be different and believe different things. Thank you for a comment that doesn’t involve just straight up insults. Best of luck to you. I will keep waiving my pink, blue and white flag.