Patriarchy is toxic to men. This is an example of it. As a woman, feminism has long taught me I don’t need a man to make me happy. I wish men could get the same message. Most people dream of having a long term partner, and we get out hearts broken. There must be grief. But men should know it’s okay to go on living their lives doing their own things and they can take care of themselves and don’t need a woman to complete them. It’s not a “screw women” approach, but rather putting yourself first, not getting a partner.
I too have been guilty of the never quit culture, and to many movies romanticize the man who doesn’t quit and gets the girl in the end. That myth is toxic and unhelpful. In real life such a person who doesn’t quit going after a lover would become a creepy stalker whose joy respecting boundaries. Regardless of what life tells you, you don’t need a woman. Go find a life for you, not her, be happy, have your hobbies, your career, your friends, your family, your vacations. You don’t need a her to be complete. For that, buy a good porno.