Once about ten years ago, I was out at a park watching a sunset. A stranger started cutting across an empty field to approach me. I didn’t feel safe so I started briskly walking away. He then started chasing me. I full on ran away. He was taller and faster, and I knew he would catch up with me. When he did I was in a parking lot, surrounded by other people, and when he caught up he just started asking me dumb questions: “I don’t mean to scare you miss, I just wanted to ask if you are a student at the local university?, do you know when the park closes? How old are you?” He also tried to make me feel guilty for running away from him, like I was doing something wrong. To this day, the fact that he chased me, for a good 5 minutes terrifies me. Generally if a guy realizes he is scaring you, and you run away from them, he will leave you alone, like any decent person would. It takes someone with a lack of boundaries to chase you down. It was scary AF. I wrote a medium article about my experience too. Most guys, if they realize you are scared, as in engaging in a behavior such as running, will back off, not tell you what to do (stop running). Yeah, leave me alone and I will. Ugh. I’m glad your safe.