Omg, your article just brought up a memory of my college graduation and my mother, who may be a narcissist.
First my mom changed the location of my graduation party which I was throwing myself, and assigned various tasks to my boyfriend telling him what to do.
Then, after I opened up my gifts, she gets up and makes a big speech all about how she has accomplished her life goal of having all of her children graduate college. She makes it clear this goal was not easy for her, all the sacrifices she made for it, and how hard it was for her. But it was really important since she didn’t complete her degree herself. She then talked about how against she was that I chose to attend and out of state prestigious university because she thought it would be to difficult for me and she didn’t think I could do it. She then talked about various set backs I had in college, and how she was so sure I would drop out and come home because I was over-reaching by going there. She then explained that she did not believe I could do it, and yet somehow I did and proved her wrong (this was her way of saying congratulations, I proved her wrong/big gesture for a narcissist). After that she thanked everyone for coming and celebrating her accomplishment and how proud she is her accomplishment of all of her children graduating college. She then made a point of telling me the tag was sticking out of dress and needed to fix it in front of everyone. I have no idea why she thought this was appropriate at my party I planned myself. I got myself to and through college, not her. She did help here and there, but overall I did the work and got loans for my tuition. My Dad helped me more than her, yet he was quiet the whole time.