Omg I am so glad you wrote this! I just read an article on medium complaining about the wonder years reboot being black. I watched the trailer and thought, you know this show looks interesting. I mean the 60s were such a different time culturally and things were changing. Seeing the wonder years from a different point of view and perspective of an african american Kevin Arnold, would be so interesting! However this article I read bashed the show for “shoving racism down our throats” and being “to heavy handed” with addressing racism. The 60s was such a turbulent time with racism and change, and it’s an era and a POV I have personally never experienced but is a huge part of my history and culture as an American. Kevin’s reflection and insights are what I enjoyed the most about the show married with his perspectives and point of views are really a recipe for a good period piece.
My dad always talked about the 50s and 60s and how different it was and the rigid expectations of society and the cultural changes. It’s a fascinating era. But the perspective of a black Kevin and his family is really different!