Omfg! I’m so grateful I live in literally one of the most liberal places around. I’m not Jewish, so I haven’t experienced this bs, but Christians here are a bit more quiet, still I’m sure such fucked up shir happens here too. I can’t believe the fucked up things these Christians did! Seriously! No sense of shame.
I’m not Christian, but I was raised as such, and I know the Bible pretty well.
I feel like it should be mentioned that looking at the gospel there’s no clear case that Jewish people killed Jesus. The ducking Romans killed him! Using Jesus as an excuse to be antisemitic makes no sense at all. Jesus himself was a Jew! Not only was he Jewish he was a Jew who didn’t like gentiles very much. He was an antigentite. There’s a story in the new testiest where he makes it clear that he is here “only for the children or Israel” but will help gentiles only if they accept they are in every way inferior to Jewish people. The metaphor of dogs eating the crumbs that fall from the children’s tables is used. In other words, Jewish people are loved like children and gentiles are dogs. He made it clear we are to know our place.
So the idea that belief in Jesus justifies antisemitism is total bs. The opposite is actually the case.