Oh God there are so many terms now with so much gatekeeping, ugh.
I wish we would just come up with new terms, that leave self gender identity out of the equation.
I wish we could just have like masculine attracted or feminime attracted, non-binary attracted. etc. It's annoying to have to identify our own gender in our attractions and it feels very cis-hetero centric to do so. Like the whole myth that gentallia we have a birth should indicated what person we are attracted to when we grow up, and their our attracted is identified as such. Let's just sever that relationship.
Who cares what my gender is, can I just say who I am attracted to? Isn't that what we need to know?
It would be so much easier if we just talk about the gender we are attracted to. I like the terms bixesual and pansexual, because regardless of your gender, you can be these. Men, women, non-binary people can be pansexual, you don't need a special term if you happen to be a different gender.
But Gay and Lesbian? One term for male same sex attraction and another if you are female same sex attracted? And then that doesn't even make sense because many/some of us are attracted to trans people, who may actually be born the opposite sex but are living as our same gender, so same gender attracted? UGH. Let's just make more words like pan, bi, or even straight where it doesn't out our own gender, instead focuses on who we prefer to fuck.