No she's not. She just refuses to pretend racism doesn't exist. As a white person, I have the privilege to live in denial of racism and I don't have to face what black people go through every day. Therefore I can pretend racism doesn't exist and stay in my cushy world and never feel bad and brag about being 'color-blind'.
Marley doesn't have that privilege, and is here with her direct, honest, un-sugar-coated truth about the way it is for anyone who doesn't want to keep burying their head in the sand. However for white people who like to pretend that racism is over and done with, and don't want to be bothered by the truth, she may appear that way because she's talking about something we don't like to hear.
How dare she not edit her writing to our comfort as white people? Doesn't she know that's the rule here? How dare she write so honestly and brutally about something I like to imagine no longer exists, racism?