No, I won’t stop.
I will never stop.
10 years ago, after 2 suicide attempts, someone very special to me came out as trans and has been living a healthy happy life since. Transition saved their life.
13 years ago, I lost a family member to trans phobic violence. For their memory, I won’t stop.
I won’t stop because I have another beloved family member who I love like hell who transitioned and gets harassed regularly.
I won’t stop because I am a teacher, I have had many trans students over the years, and I saw their lives improve when they were able to life as they so chose. I am also a teacher who has read the obituary of to many of my previous students lives cut shot due to suicide, drug abuse, and murder.
I won’t stop because every year trans people are murdered for simply living their lives, last year alone 43 innocent people were murdered for being trans. Even more trans people are shamed so badly for being who they are they resort to suicide. I won’t stop because I have lost loved ones and people in my community due to other people due to trans phobia much like what you are spewing.
Sorry, but the health and well being of my loved ones, and countless other trans people, comes before whatever desire you have to classify total strangers and tell them who they are. So no, I will not stop.
You call my argument dumb, that’s good, because it was literally your own argument used in reverse. It is dumb, that’s the point.
What really gets me, is that you believe you are entitled to tell total strangers, who they are. That you somehow believe you know who a person really is better than they do enough to classify them and ignore their own understanding of themselves. I know people who have spend decades in therapy coming to terms with who they are, brave and honest, and hardworking in learning about themselves and then you have the audacity to man-splain their identities to them and gas-light what they go through. You don’t know the dysphoria my newphew has to live with, because you’re not him. You don’t know what my friend had to go through 10 years ago and how sick she got from living the wrong gender. Yet you feel entitled to gas-light their reality and impose a proven harmful binary system that destroys them. That, is dumb to me sir.
My trans friends and family mean you no harm. They just want to their live their lives and be okay. They are not telling you who to be. They are not defining your gender for you. They are not here to destroy society. They just want to live their lives and not be harassed, gas-lite, or have others lecture them on who they are and what they’ve been through.
Maybe you should take your own advice and please, just stop. Stop making decisions on who other people are arguing they should trust you and not themselves. It’s entitled, it’s arrogant, and it’s harmful. Please Stop.