No, I am not a moron, I actually have an IQ of 135. I personally never celebrated JKR as someone who supports lbgtq rights, can’t speak for other people, there are no declarations of queer characters in her novel, thought she claimed Dumbledoor was after the fact.
I am infact hurt, because transphobia is hurtful to trans people, and yes I take it personally. I also take antisemitism, racism, ableism, xenophobia, and misogyny personally because they are hateful and hurtful . Hurtful things like hate, hurt people.
As for therapy, I see one regularly and have for many years. My therapist thinks it’s great I reject hate. He fully supports me.
I recommend you consider arguing points using logic, rather than calling me or anyone else names. Calling someone a moron because you disagree with them, isn’t actually proving your point or making a valid argument, it’s just name calling. I can call someone a poop head all I want, but it doesn’t actually prove anything, other than I have no point to argue. There’s actually a name for this, ad hominem, a logical fallacy where one simply insults or attacks the person they are arguing with instead of actually making a logical argument. It doesn’t really add any logical arguments, it just insults someone. When you use logical fallacies, it doesn’t make any logical points, and just makes you seem like a troll. If we’re going to have a stimulating debate, then please consider using logic instead of just calling someone names and insulting them. Best of luck to you’