My first job in retail, my co-workers often made racists comments against the customers. I hated it, but didn't feel safe saying anything. We had an anonymous comment jar where people left messages and it was read every weekly meeting. I entered a complaint against racists jokes and comments. My boss was mad someone put the comment in, and assumed it was one of my coworkers. Ironically, this man she assumed made the complaint, made the most racists jokes of everyone there. She made a big talk about how we should come to her with reports or racism and not put them in the complaint box. This was odd, because she often made racists jokes herself, hence why I never went to her. I'm pretty sure if I did I would suffer socially for it. However, the whole incident where she read the card in front of everyone was embarrassing, for the whole crew. No one liked being called out to having a racists work environment. After that, the racists comments stopped thank God. No one suspected it was me who complained, because I have the privilege of being a white person. I would love find more ideas in the future of how to use my white privilege to call out the racism like I did that day.
I hope all jobs have an anonymous comment box like my job did. It was my only way to speak up. Mangers, you do not always know what is happening with your employees, have a system to report racism, harassment, and other issues anonymously.