Miscarriages are traumatic and not talked about enough. My cousin had a terrible experience with one.
At 7 months it was found her growing child did not have a brain or even a fully formed head. The baby would most likely not survive outside the womb, but also was not not conscious. It did have a heart beat though, and might survive in tube feeding, but again didn’t have a brain. People went in circles, calling it a late term miscarriage, a still birth, but technically I think she had to have a partial birth abortion. It was one of those cases so close on the lines between all 3. She was devastated and never recovered fully.
Odly, many Christian people in my family said awful things such as “I guess it’s Gods will, she wasn’t ready to be a mother anyway” or “It’s a blessing in disguise” and assumed she had no right to grieve given she wasn’t technically “a mother.”
People don’t realize how awful it was for her.
In Texas women are being prosecuted for miscarriage. It makes me mad. Already it’s a tough time, now we victim blame.
Thanks for your story.