Me: "I had to let go of christianity, so I'm no longer a christian."
Them: "Why?" usually trying to argue away my decisions.
Me: "It just wasn't the right thing for me. It encouraged unhealthy behavior in myself"
Them; "How so?" Usually ready to argue how wrong I am an christianity is the best thing ever for me.
Me: "I found that having a hero who sacraficed himself for the good of others and became a martyr encouraged codependency in my life and therefore isn't the right role model or god for my life."
Them: "Ill pray for you."
Me: Okay.
I felt so new and free when I left behind christianity.
Strangely now it's assumed I'm an atheist (which I'm not). I guess to some people, there is either christian, or atheist, and nothing else.