8 min readMar 27, 2023


John, my man, I honestly enjoyed this read, but I gotta tell you, I am confused AF.

Seriously, as a feminist, I gotta say I do agree sometimes we go pretty hardcore with our beliefs, and I do enjoy reading multiple perspectives on feminism. I am open minded.

But John, listen, this article is seriously confusing. Please forgive me, but I'm going to break this down really closely here, and take it line by line.

Feminists, stop overreacting.

-Okay, you caught my attention here John. I am a feminist, am I over reacting? Immediately I am wondering, to what am I over reacting to? I eagerly open your article with the hopes of wondering what I as a feminist am over reacting to. Perhaps there is even a good point.

Do you remember that time when you were feeling down, depressed and wanting to harm yourself?

-True, on rare occasions I have felt this way. Not lately thank God.

Me too.

-I'm so sorry John, maybe you need help? Are you Suicidal John? I hope not. Please don't kill yourself, especially not before I hear your thesis statement, I will forever be left wondering...

Feels awful doesn’t it?

-It's honestly been a while since I have felt that way. I got a real good therapist I talk to weekly and that's made a big difference so I haven't felt like this in a long time.

At least I don’t whine about it and tell people we gotta start making other people help me for no reason.

-Whoa, what a jump! Do I whine about it and expect others to help me for no reason? Do other feminstist whine about something and expect others to help? What Exactly? Women having equal rights? Is that it? Please be specific about what feminists are whining about and who they are expecting others to help them with. I'm totes confused here. Perhaps consider using an example.

Now, I’m sure that you’ve been fighting a LOT for your freedom and I think it’s incredible how far you’ve gotten.

-Hey thanks! But to be honest I haven't personally been fighting, most of the women before have been righting for my rights. I just write articles on medium sometimes about feminism, but maybe that's fighting?

But does it hurt if someone says you might’ve been fighting a bit TOO hard recently?

-No. I don't feel like I've been fighting at all. Are women in general fighting to much? That might feel kinda good, like we can all just relax a bit.

Probably not.


I’m not assaulting anyone after all.

-Whoa, what? Who said anything about assaulting anyone? Has someone accused you of assaulting someone? Because you told them they're working to hard. Why did you bring this up. Do you feel women accuse you of assaulting them because they don't like it when you tell them they are working too hard for something that is still unnamed? Seriously I'm confused.

I’m well aware that some people have said things to you that you would never agree on, such as: ‘’Abortion should be banned. It’s murdering children.’’

-True, I am prochoice. Some people are pro-life, we disagree. Yes there are issues where people take different sides.

which I agree on in some cases is wrong. The most obvious case of course is rape. It’s really bad when it happens.

-Yes John, I think we can all agree it's really bad when rape happens. Let us all agree rape is bad. It also sounds like you might also be pro-choice John. Is this an attempt to tell us you agree with us, then why are you bringing this up?

But what I wanted to ask you is.. how much do you care about spectators?

-Who? Spectators? People who are watching? Watching what? People watching abortions?

Specifically, people who just watch you like you’re fighting inside a gladiator arena alone.

-John, I was so happy when started this sentence with specifically, I wanted clarity on who exactly these spectators are. But, I believe this is a metaphor, because I don't know any feminists who spend time in a gladiator arena alone. Please don't use a metaphor to specify who in this context. I am totes confused who these spectators are. People watching a fight? Feminists fighting for equal rights and people watching them?

Cowards right?

-Who? What? Honestly I can't recall the last time I called someone a coward or thought they were. I'm guessing here, people who don't support feminism I am supposed to think are cowards? I mean people have different beliefs, for different reasons. Like prochoice people have their own beliefs, but I don't think I'd call them cowards. Some of them are blowing up clinics and such. I think that's awful, but not cowards. Hun.

What if I told you that currently, you’re the ones who are making them your cowards?

-I'm making them my cowards? I own cowards? Are they like the wicked witches flying monkeys? Who am I making my cowards and how am I doing that? By being a gladiator?

This case is the same with LGBT, but that’s of course not the subject right now.

-What? What's the same? Does same sex attraction make other people words? Do people being trans make other people not related to them cowards, by somehow watching? John I'm seriously confused. Please like be more specific or clear. Perhaps give a concrete example.

Many people such as me have no desire to engage in political matters, but things have gotten pretty strange after people have been using the term:‘’You’re either with us or against us’

-I agree the above line is what's called an all or nothing fallacy. I have not heard a feminist use this line. Last time I heard it was George W. Bush after 9/11. What feminist said this line, and in what context? I agree line drawing fallacies aren't correct. Please provide a context for this line. Perhaps link and article where a feminist is saying it.

’I understand what you are trying to say,

-Really? Because I don't understand at all. I have no idea what it is you think I am trying to say. Is this about the above gladiator sport? In general John, I don't recommend telling other people what they say or think. It's weird.

but I think that someone has to point out that that’s not how it works.

-Okay, so what? what is not working? Is this about the line drawing fallacies listed above. Please enlighten us when and where it doesn't work. Give specific examples.

When your parents are arguing, they don’t make you pick side when you doing to sn’t even know what they are arguing about or what even started it.

-Why are you bringing my parents into this now? Is this a hypothetical? Are trying to say you don't know who started an argument? What argument? What sides? Who are the parents symbolizing, feminism? Is feminism the mother arguing with the father, what does he symbolize? Whose asking you to pick a side?

That’s just irrational.

-It is. So is this article. I have no idea what is going on here. Whatever point being made here is lost as I try to figure out the parent metaphor. What does it have to do with feminism again?

It shouldn’t be any of your business what your parents are arguing about.

-I agree. Otherwise it's just abusive parenting. So who is parentally abuisng you John? Is it feminism? How so? What are feminists doing that's none of your business?

However when it comes to political matters it’s apparently ‘offensive’ to state an opinion that is against your own.

-Wait, it's offensive for me to state an opinion different than my own? Hun? Or are you saying that feminists don't allow other opinions? I might be able to follow that logic. Perhaps you are bringing up cancel culture?

Why is that?

-Well I don't agree that everyone should always agree. It's good to have discourse, but truth is people get very passionate about politics and they get angry. I agree, people get very angry at other perspectives. This does get bit toxic. Maybe I agree here, if that is what you are talking about.

Why are we only allowed to say something that empowers you?

-Who is allowing what here. Feminists?

If this is the case then I’d rather be one of your enemies.

-Okay, who are my enemies exactly...do I have enemies? Already I have cowards and spectators, now I have enemies.

I don’t mean it literally,

-What do you mean John? I'm so confused!

but since you are so eager for neutral individuals to pick a side out of the blues I would still choose neutrality.

-Okay, so you're neutral, on what...feminism. It kind of sounded like you are prochoice earlier. What are you neutral on John? I am totes lost here.

- In your words.. one of your enemies.

-Now I'm the one calling people my enemies? I don't know who these enemies are.

You’d at this point probably say something like:‘’So you don’t care about women’s lives?’

-Honestly at this point I am trying real hard to understand this article, and who exactly you think my enemies are.


-Legit good advice. Yes, I very much would like to relax now. Sounds good.

Just because some people choose to keep observing doesn’t necessarily mean that they are automatically against you.

-Okay, so like inaction is okay, some people are neutral. Again can I have a context of what's going on? Maybe mention specific issue here.

You’re overreacting.

-whoa! That's an accusation. What am I overacting to exactly? Femism? Gladiators? Okay, I will admit, sometimes I overreact. What is going on here?

You don’t make people follow you against their will.

-True, I don't. I really don't have those types of super powers. Mind control., never quite mastered it.

I cherish girls and women just as much as I cherish boys and men.

-Cherish is the word I use to descriiibe....all the feelings I keep locked inside. Great song!

We just have different ways of reacting to these scenarios.

-What Scenarios? Who is this royal we?

So could you just do people a favour and let people have their own views?

-Sure! Let's start with yours, whatever they are. You are entitled to your views okay? Does that feel better?

There is no rush in this.

-good, why would there be? Who is rushing, and into what?

Not now.

-So will they mysterious rush happen later? If not now, then when?

Lastly, someone has to say that if you think this world will ever be peaceful then that’s just a bad dream you’re having.

-Damn, I guess my dreams of world peace have been crushed.

People will never. EVER. be free from other people who disagrees with them on something.

-Whoa! It's entirely a different thing than to be at peace than to have everyone agree. I mean we can be peaceful but also disagree. Just because we disagree does not mean we have to have a violent war.

That includes you.

-good! I didn't want to get left out here.

Thank you for reading.

-Youre welcome! Thank you for taking the time to read my edits and confusion here.

Seriously John, I wish you peace and happiness. I want to understand your article, but I'm honestly a bit lost. I'd like to read your next one.




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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