It’s not a bad article, very well written, but as a queer woman, I can’t help but notice the entire thing frames womens sex in relationship to men, instead of female sexuality, which will make for some terrible sex. I can see being a guy, this might make sense to you. If she is having pity sex, lustful sex, bored sex and how she feels about the man. However, I feel the need to mention that women have complex and interesting types of sex that is about their bodies, minds, and emotions, not the reasons she is “Giving sex” to a man. I think if a man wants to learn about different types of woman sex, maybe the focus should be on her, not on her relationship to him. Making a woman’s sex all about the guy she is with, will lead to ignoring some facts about women’s sexuality. Maybe the piece should be called “Types of sex roles men see women in.” Even better “Types of sex men have.” Very little in this article is actually about women’s sexuality, instead it’s about mens, which is fine. However, thinking about female sexuality in this way, will lead to not knowing how to actually have sex with women and this leads to unfulfilling sex with them. Good sex requires seeing that person as themselves, not as they are relationship to you, in this case, The Man.
Women actually have quite wonderful and interesting sexual qualities and types many men don’t know about, which leads to frustrating and flat heterosexual sex. For example, I know of at least 5 different types or orgasms I’ve had or seen other women have, and there are a variety of different techniques to induce each type. Also, a lot of women aren’t into orgasm focused sex, which can still be amazing. In fact some women feel to much pressure to have an orgasm with a partner, and that makes it hard for them to relax and leads to faking. How to know when a woman is faking, or how to have sex so good she doesn’t have a need to fake is also a good discussion on types of sex with women (My straight women friends talk about this all the time). There’s lots of different types of sex women have, vanilla, kink, positions, bored (that is one), role playing, types of stimulation, vaginal, oral, fingering, and how to have conversations around consent (which is a big deal, and often a big turn on for women).
Also, why can’t women and men have sex, instead of the woman “giving” sex to the man? If men know truly about women’s sexuality, there wouldn’t be a need for women to “give them” sex, rather it should be an enjoyed shared activity. Yes, testosterone does raise a persons sex drive, but everyone should know we all have two hands each and if our partner isn’t in the mood, we can take care of ourselves.
This entire article treats sex like a commodity women dole out either out of pity, translation, coercion, obligation, lust or boredom. I guess then as a woman, who has slept with men, and women, all I’ve ever had is lust then. And I spent 19 years in a monogamous heterosexual marriage.
I guess what I’m saying is, yes, it’s a well written article, but has nothing to do with how women have sex, it’s about men having sex and how they see women while having sex with them, and doing this will lead to awful sex with women. I don’t recommend thinking of women this way if you ever want her to “give you sex” and if you want that sex to be enjoyable.