It’s hilarious. I exactly what proof do need to require from trans people that they are in fact trans? Is there a trans test? A woman I know told me when she went to transition her doctor asked her if she played with dolls when she was a child. She said yes, so he gave her hormones. Problem solved! Just ask all people if they played with dolls. Trans women played with baby dolls and Barbie’s, trans men played with GI Joes, and non binary people experimented with hair dye on troll dolls. Lol JK. Like exactly what trans test is there? Something tells me what ever trans test is expected, it would be done by a cis person.
Also, let’s hold trans women responsible for the potential actions of cis men and anyone else! A cis man might enter a woman’s bathroom and use it harass women-therefore we should ban trans women from using the bathroom! That’s fair! We imagine a cis man might make a crime, so trans women no longer have the right to a safe place to pee. What great reasoning! (Lol JK$.