It’s a lovely and honest essay about your feelings and your adopted children. I have a few family members who are adopted, and I’m glad they exist. I see the complexities here.
However, not everyone has the option to put their child up for adoption. I know of two women who had abortions, who otherwise would have been forced into marriages. One was a woman who was in a conservative family, her boyfriend got violent and rapped her. He went to her church and her family. After he attacked her, she cut him off totally, but she was pregnant. Had her family found out she would have been required to him. Carrying a pregnancy without marriage would have ostracized her from her family and church. She didn’t know she could explain she was raped because she was dating him and he had a good reputation with the church and she did not. Another girl was coerced into sex as a 20 year old on a mission trip by her youth pastor (age 27). She wanted to save herself for marriage, but he kept telling her it was “God’s Will.” When she still said no, he implied he’d leave her in the foreign country they were doing mission work for. When she came home she changed churches, but found out she was pregnant. When she did old him he told her it was Gods will she be his wife and they get married. He said he would insist on custody of the child and use it to draw child support from her if she didn’t marry him. She had an abortion and said good bye to him.
There is a history of women, sometimes even children being forced to marry men who assaulted them under the guise of “making them honest women” because they are pregnant. Often these girls have to quit school to take care of their children.
I personally have a condition called lipedema, which has few treatment options covered by insurance.
Lipedema gets much worse during pregnancy. I personally still want to get pregnant with my lipedema, and I might lose the ability to walk because of it if I get pregnant. That’s a risk I am willing to take, but there are many women with lipedema who aren’t willing to permanently lose their ability to walk for a child they won’t keep. I’m pretty sure lipedema isn’t listed as a medical condition exemption for abortion as most health care providers don’t know about it and don’t treat it. But 11% of women have this disease, and carrying a baby to term could cause us to lose the ability to walk, and our only cure to pay 50k for surgery that probably won’t work.
I’m sure there are other health conditions that get worse with pregnancy too, and many women aren’t ready to sacrifice their body for it. I know there are incontient issues as well, hemorrhoids, etc.
Not every woman’s body can be healthy again after pregnancy, and because of this I don’t think they should be forced into it.