It's a good question, why should we care?
I can tell you why I care.
I care because someone I love almost died. Transition saved their life.
I care because I know people who lives seems to make way more sense to me after they transitioned.
I care because I know every-day, average, good people who don't hurt anyone but have attacked and assaulted because their gender didn't fall into our social construct.
I care because we have this gender binary that people are so into they are willing to commit hate crimes so that people will fall back into the binary because we must have gender binary, no matter how badly it hurts those who don't fall into it.
I care because people hold so tightly to the gender binary they are literally willing to murder others over it so that they can erase those who existence proves the binary exists.
I care because I know many people whose lives would be improved if we let go of the gender binary and except trans and non-binary gender identities as valid.
My reasons for caring, I have to admit, are not logical, but are more emotional, and not straight up logical.
I have a parallel argument.
Let's say a child falls off their bike and scrapes their arms and legs up real bad and there is lots of blood.
What if we took that child to the hospital, and the medical staff decide to not give the child any bandages or band aids.
Their explanation: "Band Aides are Unnatural."
Which is true. Bandages are made of plastic and generally biology doesn't support attaching plastic to our bodies. Also unnatural, surgery It's not natural to cut open a person and fix their heart. That goes against nature. Logically there doesn't seem to be a good reason go do it.
Except that these things help people.
We manufacture medical products to help people who are suffering are in pain. That is accepted in our society, even though it's very unnatural. We don't chase people for using bandaids or other medical care. We don't decide that using medical care is a good reason to exclude people from the definition of humanity to keep a cultural norm.
Gender dysphoria Is extremley painful, and it harms people. I think they should be entitled to the care they need, and I think society should be okay with them getting the care they need. Because throughout history, it's been considered okay to murder a trans person for them transitioning and living as they need to.
Yes, true, your logical argument is very good. I enjoyed the metaphor about the fringe a lot.
But, no one seems to care about children using band-aids, no one is fighting that doctors should not treat cuts and scraps with bandages. Yet people really care about this gender thing.