It should be noted that Hooters its self is a place that is about having women being sexualized for tips.
This racist jerk probably thought he was entitled to a white waitress because he felt he was personally more attracted to them. I once had someone tell me it was part of their "sexual orientation" to only be attracted to white people. As a gay man, he felt understood minorities and explained it wasn't a racism thing, but a sexual orientation to only be attracted to white men. I thought this was extremely racist and told him so, he then accused me of "conversion therapy."
There are a lot of stupid, privileged white people, including white men who think the world revolves around their sexual desires, and that trumps their racism.
He probably beleived that women existed for his viewing pleasure and therefore the staff at hooters would understand he would want a waitress who met his racists requirements. I'm glad she ignored him and he left.