Aug 4, 2024


It just really boils me how trans hate is hurting so many. Not just trans people, but cis people are victims of transphobia.
I remember years ago hearing right leaning people question Michelle Obama’s cis status, claiming she was a trans woman (I guess they forgot she gave birth). It’s often coated in racism, portraying black women as bigger, stronger and more masculine.
A good friend of mine is a butch lesbian, and gets harassed using the women’s bathroom. People assume her masculine appearance makes her a man, and thus a trans woman? It’s crazy.
It won’t stop at trans people, the gender police are coming around and telling us all we weren’t fem or masc enough.




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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