In pervious posts, when I made a claim, I linked sources to my claims. I did my homework. You made a claim, said half of incarcerated trans women are there for rape, said there was a source, but provided none to back it up.
That's your homework. If you make a claim, then claim there evidence to back it up, then the burden of proof is on you, not me. That's your actual homework, not mine at all.
When I made a claim I used actual sources.
Here is another link to use as evidence for my case.
50% of trans people are sexually assaulted. Trans people are victims of rape, at higher levels than cis people.
This is much higher than the percentage of cis women sexually assaulted which is about 20%.
Yet somehow you have no empathy for trans women who 2.5 more likely to raped then cis women. If you are aganst rape, you are aganst rape. It sounds like you're fine with rape so long as it's only aganst trans women. If you weren't, you'd realize the safety issues they experience in the bathrooms.
As for the Loudon County case, that is one rare story I have heard little about. It's one incident, there will always be an exception, in comparison to the thousands of trans women raped every year. It's hardly the 50% of incarceration trans women quote you made up to win a false argument. S