In general I would say I have found the trans community is very sensitive to people with disabilities including those diagnosed severe disease. They're not perfect, but I'd say they are more sensitive and inclusive to people with chronic medical conditions than the general population. They don't know the exact details of every disease and what people need from them, because there are lots of diseases in the world, they aren't all doctors. I've seen many trans people focus on accessibility for example wheel chair users, and people with chronic medical conditions. Trans people tend to care a lot about these issues, why do you assume they don't.
Also, trans people aren't trying to force everyone to understand them. They just want to be treated with dignity and not murdered or harassed. They also want access to medical care and treated with respect. They don't expect everyone to understand them all the time. They just want to be left alone and to be able to live in peace.
They problems come from people trying take away their rights, hates crimes against, them, people using slurs against them, being misgendered, being denied medical care or being denied for them to do what they want with their own bodies. It's weird how it's become a political issue what a person is or isn't allowed to do their own body. We don't police what plastic surgery others are allowed to have, why are we doing this with trans people?
What happens though as that there seems to be some general misconception that trans people are somehow sick or mentally ill, or immature, or pedophiles, or predators, for transitioning. These assumptions People seem to have all sort of judgements on why trans people transition, and much of it is false. Then these assumptions are used to discriminate against them. I think trans people want to stop that.
We had the same debate 50 years ago with gay people. Homosexuality was listed as a mental illness. It took a lot of work and awareness to change the way people thought about gays and lesbians. Queer people are not mentally ill or deranged, they just have different romantic interests than heterosexuals, and it's okay. In this movement we also changed the definition of marriage. People made the exact same argument you've been making, that the definition or marriage is between a man and woman, and we can't change definitions.
There is a movement, that I like to think I'm a part of, to normalize trans people instead having everyone assume they crazy, perverts, weirdoes, etc. By you're writing you seem to think they just haven't accepted their bodies? I get impression from things you've said. Sounds like you think they're immature, or selfish for not conforming to society for the sake of their families, but I shouldn't put words in your mouth, but more listen.
Anyway, just as we as a society eventually accepted that gays and lesbians weren't mentally ill perverts, trans people also want to regarded as normal people who aren't mentally ill perverts. There's a general delusion something is wrong with them.
Just as we changed the definition of marriage to include gay and lesbian people, Trans people want others to understand there is another layer called gender, and it isn't always the same as biological sex. They're not changing the definition of sex, they adding another layer called gender. Because they experience it heavily and as cis people we can just lump it together with sex because for us it is the same. It's not the same for everyone.
It's kind of like, I was talking to this little white girl (age 7)over the summer, who told me racism didn't exist. She said there was a black girl in her class, and she never saw the teacher be racist to her, so therefore racism didn't exist. I tried to explain to her that as a white girl, she didn't know all the different things black people go through, she didn't see them. Just seeing a black girl in class didn't give her enough information. But because she was acquainted with one black girl, she thought she knew all about what black people go through.
For cis people, it makes sense we naturally lump gender together with sex. They line up for us. Trans people are the result with these don't line up, so they are forced to confront the fact that sex and gender aren't the same.
Meanwhile, cis people who don't know this just assume trans people are mentally ill, dysfunctional, perverted, scary, predators, etc. This leads to hate crimes, fear, and discrimination, and they just want to be left alone and live their lives like the rest of everyone else.