I’m willing to believe people know about their own genders, at least more than me. I don’t tell other people who they are, I listen. I could for example say your name is not really John, it is in fact Cindy, and argue your name is Cindy and that you’re insane for thinking your name is John. But how would I know? I like to think you know your own name, at least more than me. And I believe other people when the tell me their gender. Yes, people can lie, this system requires honestly, but a persons gender is actually very real and complex, and honestly personal. I don’t get to decide what another’s gender is. I see that your not into getting into semantics, but they are a big deal. Like in the book 1984, when the government uses words, or rather deletion of words to control peoples thoughts. Making trans woman one word de-genders her, and I would argue makes her appear less human, or at least certainly questions her right to be categorized as an actual woman. Including trans women into the category of women doesn’t devalue the word woman, anymore than allowing gay people to marry doesn’t devalue marriage. It’s clear you don’t consider trans women to be in the woman category, and that’s where you and I disagree. Your transphobia is showing, and that’s not meant as an insult, but rather trying to aware you of how your words convey your thoughts. I’ll leave you alone now, we simply disagree here. I don’t think you as a man get to define what a woman is, I don’t think you know anything about being an actual woman, and your logic around categories here won’t work because people, gender, and gender expression aren’t as black and white as logic. They are more complex than that. Enjoy your own journey, and please know I mean you no malice.