I’m sorry to hear you don’t understand about trans Identity. Just so you know, it’s okay to not understand something, that doesn’t mean it’s existence isn’t real. It’s also okay to not fully understand something as well, or misunderstand.
For example, I don’t fully understand how mass bends the space time continuum. I’ve heard that mass bends the space time continuum and that’s why we have gravity, but it’s confusing to me. I am a mathematician and learned a lot of mathematics associated with quantum mechanics. Yet I don’t understand the the physics involved with quantum mechanics, it doesn’t make sense to me intuitively or logically. But the math behind it appears stable.
I don’t understand the full details of how my pituitary system works, but I know my TSH is getting rather low and that indicated I may be taking to much thyroid medication. I don’t know exactly how a car works, but I drive one everyday.
There are lots of things I don’t understand but clearly effect me everyday, that a real, that I don’t understand.
You don’t see me refusing to drive a car because it doesn’t make sense, or arguing with the car, telling it it shouldn’t work because I don’t understand it.
Nor do I argue with the existence of gravity even though I don’t understand it, it shouldn’t exist! I’m not going to respect gravity because its a drain on MY mental health, to accept something that doesn’t make sense to me. How dare gravity expect me to respect its identity if it can’t even define its self!
Similarly, a close friend of mine is Asian and has been experiencing a lot of hate since the pandemic. I listen to him, I empathize, I work to understand what he is going through. But I will never fully understand his experience as I am not Asian and haven’t walked in his shoes. I can still respect and accept his reality, even if I never fully understand it as I haven’t lived it. I feel no need to deny him his reality.
Look Jason, I’m sure you’re an intelligent person, who probably knows lots of stuff. Has it occurred to you there are things, that are real, that you don’t understand? That perhaps you understanding something is not necessarily the defining trait that makes something valid?
I will never fully understand what it’s like to be trans, but I’m still capable or respecting that it’s a true thing that happens. This isn’t asking you to set aside your own reasoning and logic. As a mathematician I specialized in logic and I do believe people should use it. But maybe this isn’t a logical contradiction, so much as there is more information and complexities that you may not understand. There are infinitely many things that you lack knowledge that do exist regardless if you understand them. Your understanding does not dictate reality. Truth is, no matter what anyone argues, the existence of trans people will not disappear no matter what logical arguments we present to them. Also cars will work or not work regardless if I understand them or not. Gravity doesn’t care if I believe in it or not, it will still exist.
Just because your very smart brain doesn’t understand something, doesn’t mean it’s not real.