I'm so glad you wrote this article.
I'll never forget the last 6 months of my marriage. I had moved out and even started divorce proceedings. My ex make it clear he wanted me to stay, and I was willing to do anything to save my marriage. I told him our last hope was marriage counseling, and I was willing to go with him if he found a relationship counselor. I wanted to find one myself, I knew it would be faster, but one of our major marriage issues was that I often was the one who took responsibly to get things done while he sat back and scoffed at my efforts. I was committed to changing the negative dynamic of our relationship, so he had to find the therapist this time. After several months of me asking him weekly if he had found someone, he told me that he had been dragging his feet because in his own words "he didn't need any counseling. I was the one who needed therapy" and it was pointless for him to go to therapy with me. Then he asked me when I was coming back home to him.
True, for the last 10 years I had been seeing a therapist, working on myself and developing healthy habits, while he had not. I also had moved up my career ladder several times and increased my income, expanded my friend circle, and grown in a variety of ways.
He had not gone to therapy or made any efforts to improve himself or his life at all. But I was labeled as emotionally immature and that being the cause of our issues. He somehow believed that marriage was a one-sided street and everything was my fault. He refused to take any responsibility for terrible he things he had done to us as a couple. This made it impossible to stay with him.
I was so dumbfounded. He had made it clear he wanted me back, and didn't want a divorce, but wasn't willing to the do the one thing, get us a counselor, that offered any ray of hope to us staying together, and then he considered it my fault. I'm so glad your article explained this. I do feel like as women our emotions are overridden simply because we are women. No matter what we do, somehow people assume we are crazy just because are women. It's illogical and frustrating.