I'm so glad you wrote this and I got to read it today.
6 weeks ago I gave birth to my daughter via emergency cesarian. Today is the day she was originally due.
I was induced at 33 weeks, due to preeclampsia with severe features. In the hospital, my partner and I discussed having a cesarian vs vaginal labor. I seriously considered and elective cesarian, but she convinced me vaginal was better because of the recovery time.
After 2 balloons (I hate balloons), pictocin, and having my water broken by my doctor, we were well in the labor process, when my wiggly little girl decided to turn around and be a footling breech. Her cord slipped through, and the nurse found her foot and cord prolapsed outside of me. Suddenly people were running in my room yelling, flipping on the lights, my doctor stuck her hand all the way into my uterus, holding the cord and the foot, as she climbed on the bed and rode with me to the OR. The whole thing lasted maybe 7 minutes as they took her out of me.
I find there is no shame in having a cesarian, why do people act like it's such an awful thing?
So many talk like having one is somehow bad, or not idea. Why? Especially if the Mom is requesting one, she might have intuition