I’m so glad I only engage in lesbian relationships now.I have found many, many partners that meet all of my needs. My current girlfriend even meets the 3 six (six feet tall, six digit income, and damn she got abbs!), not that I ever cared about any of those things. Literally no one ever tells me now that my expectations of a relationship are unrealistic, not that mine ever were. I’ve only just wanted to a partner to love who would love me back and have healthy communication, and fun, and someone who accepts me for who I am and stimulates me mentally. True, there has never been a shortage of such men, but mainly my fellow women seem to respect consent much more. I’m so lucky I’m queer and don’t ever need to compromise on what I want in a partner. Funny thing, my girlfriend, who has the 3 six, is looked at as being unattractive for having the same traits that are supposed to be attractive in men. What a messed up world we live in. It’s way to much pressure on men and women to be squeezed into such narrow roles to be considered desirable. I know people have been burned, but I wish we could all go back to just looking for healthy people that make us happy.